0 in stock Holodiscus discolor
plant type:shrub
communities:chaparral, riparian, evergreen forest
average height:7'
average width:5'
light:part sun, light shade, deep shade
water:wet, moderate, dry
attributes:drought tolerant, butterfiles, bees/pollinators, songbirds
Creambush (or oceanspray) is a fast growing deciduous shrub from moist woodland edges and canyons in many parts of California. It typically grows 3'-4' but can reach up to 7' in the right circumstances. Billows of white flowers are bumblebee favorites, followed by billows of tiny tan/gold seed heads which are full of treats for gleaner birds. Aromatic leaves and flowers give it additional aesthetic value. Ungainly branching makes it a good candidate for filling spaces between other shrubs.